Payne County Historical Society Reviews

The Payne County Historical Society was reconstituted in 1980. Among its objectives was the preservation and communication of the history of the region and the Payne County Historical Review was born. Mary Jane Warde accepted the task as the first editor to set a publication standard that all subsequent editors have attempted to maintain.

Over the years an outstanding amount of research, memories, pictures, and stories have contributed to capturing the spirit and history of Payne County. As we continue this tradition, it is helpful to take a moment and review the vast repertoire of articles that have been contributed to this time.

The Board of Directors has set a goal of putting future and past Reviews on the internet with searchable functions. In the meantime, we offer a listing of articles published in the past. Additional information has been added to some titles to provide information regarding the content. News and notes, messages from the Society, and other information pertaining to the Society's history have been omitted from the listing.

Past copies of many Reviews are available and can be obtained for $5.00 each by ordering directly from Payne County Historical Society Committee, 702 South Duncan, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074. Scroll down for links to past Reviews that have been digitized and are available in PDF format.

Index of Articles from past Payne County Historical Reviews, 1980-2019

Index of Articles from past Payne County Historical Reviews, 2018-2022

1980 Volume 1 Issue 1
Pandemonium in Ingalls: Bill Doolin's Wild Bunch and the Gun Battle of 1893, Jim Smallwood    
Stillwater's Lustron Homes Still Shine, Ray H. Burley    
The Railroad Reaches Stillwater, Lawrence Gibbs    
The Formative Years of a University, Russell M. Lawson

1980 Volume 1 Issue 2
Importance of Local History, Dr. Douglas Hale    
Hopkins Sandstone House and Farmstead, Dr. Annetta Cheek    
Sources for Historical Research, Michael & Diane Everman    
Historic Sites in Payne County, Karen Curths
Dr. O. L. Gibson's Historic Highlights of the First Baptist Church, Edited by Mary Jane Warde    
A Place Called Floyd and a Lame Horse: The Braswells Remember
Christmas Notes: Some Hints and Suggestions That May Prove Valuable in Making Selection of Presents, SW Gazette, Dec 26, 1901    
Payne County Copper Mines, Mary Jane Warde

1980 Volume 1 Issue 3
"Ol' Betsy" (Stillwater’s first motorized fire engine), Everett E. Hudiburg    
Some Eighty-Niners Remember, PCHS meeting in 1942    
"Oklahoma,” Freeman E. Miller    
The "Civilized Tourist," Washington Irving on the Prairie, Mary Jane Warde    
How Our Grandmothers Did It from The Log Cabin Cook Book, Edna Eaton Wilson    
A Glimpse of the Past: Stillwater Railroad Depot, 1907, Ann Carlson

1980 Volume 1 Issue 4
The Historic Preservation Survey of the Cushing Oil Field: A Summary, George Carney
Payne County Cemetery Records, Ann Carlson    
Thomas J. Hoyt Remembers, Stillwater News-Press, August 18, 1946    
Historic Old Central, Kenny L. Brown & LeRoy H. Fischer    

1981 Volume 2 Issue 1
Early Day Stillwater in a Nutshell, Ward Hays    
Madeline Webb Story, Micki Van Deventer    
Marking a Washington Irving Campsite, B. B. Chapman    
Historic Properties of the Cushing Oil Field, George Carney    
A Glimpse of the Past: Jardot Opera House        
Many Memories in Pleasant Valley Building, Leon J. York    

1981 Volume 2 Issue 2
Things Can Change in a Hurry (Pearl Harbor), Paula Waldowski    
School Days, Ralph Pearson    
Dr. Berlin B. Chapman's Early History of Stillwater & Vicinity, Mary Jane Warde    
Reminiscence of Early School Days in Stillwater, J. H. Donart    
Veterans of '04 OU-Aggie Game Will Rally Saturday by Otis Wile, Stillwater News-Press, November 20, 1954    
Shotgun Houses in Payne County, Dr. George O. Carney    

1982 Volume 2 Issue 3
Stillwater Pressed Brick Company, Ann Carlson
A. J. Rutter, Marguerite Downing    
History of Payne County Historical Society, Dr. B. B. Chapman            
History of Pleasant Valley School as I Know It, Ward Hays    
Museums in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Stillwater Chamber of Commerce    
The World Has Really Changed: June Webb Remembers WWII, Paula Waldowski    

1982 Volume 2 Issue 4
When Radio Came to Ripley, Alvan L. Mitchell    
Early Day Passenger Trains Solve SW & Area Residents' Recreational Problems, Ward Hays  
Memories of Mrs. Josh A. Brock, Marjorie Moore    
Grandfather's Tales, Ralph Pearson    
The War Seemed Very Far Away: Mary Margaret Sylvester Remembers WWII, Paula Waldowski    

1982 Volume 3 Issue 1
Cimarron Family Legends, 1978-1880, Kay Nettleton    
Grandfather's Tales (1903-1909), Ralph Pearson    
Payne County Historical Society Photography Contest and Display, Mary Jane Warde    
Stillwater and Payne County Early Day Post Offices, Ward Hays    
Oklahoma Has Been One of the Great Supporters of the Military: Dr. James Webster Remembers WWII, Paula Waldowski    

1982 Volume 3 Issue 2
The Presidency of the United States: A Speech by Harry Truman, Transcript by N. L. Rensch, Jr., and Frederick L. Kolch
Truman in Stillwater: A Textural Perspective, N. L. Rensch, Jr
Truman in Stillwater: An Historical Perspective, Theodore L. Agnew
Truman in Stillwater: A Rhetorical Perspective, Frederick L. Kolch

1983 Volume 3 Issue 3
Street Names in Stillwater, Robert H. Donaldson    
Klu Klux Klan Comes to Ripley, Alvan Mitchell    
A Day to Remember (Inauguration of Oklahoma’s First Governor, Ward Hays    
What You Gotta Do, You Gotta Do: Dorothy Dupree Cathey Remembers WWII, Paula Waldowski    
The Wind Changes Everything: A Conclusion(V-E Day), Paula Waldowski    
A Glimpse of the Past: Ripley's First High School Class, Nellie Berry Myers    
Grandfather's Tales (1905-07), Ralph Pearson    

1983 Volume 3 Issue 4
The Pearson Family, Dick Cleverdon    
Mr. and Dr. L. A. Cleverdon, Wanda Gudgel    
Resident Returns from China (M. A. Munger), Wanda Barker    
A Teacher's Memories (Augusta V. Adams), Rachel Adams    
Boomer Runs Second-hand Store (L. A. Laughlin), Nancy Durst    
Forty Years of Stillwater,     Mrs. E. E. Hopkins    
My Memories of Early Days as Told to Betty Joe Kerby, Mrs. W. A. Watson    
Early Days Around Stillwater, Claud Grissom    
Early Stillwater        
John Barnes Reviews Early Stillwater, Bob Wallace    
Pioneers of Stillwater, Ross Floyd    
Letter from C. L. Kezer to Wilbur Simank        
Mrs. Al Shively, Betty Joe Kerby & Maurine Peaden    
The Donart Family, Bob Murphy    

1983 Volume 4 Issue 1
Our First Feed Store Owned by Mr. & Mrs. William Frick, Betty Schafers
John Jacobs        
W. O. Carpenter, Robert Whitenton    
The Development of Stillwater by Annabeth Lowry, Wanda Barker    
Back in '89 (Mr. & Mrs. G. F. Knowles), Geneva Cochran    
John W. Thatcher        
J. W. Swope, Marjorie Moore    
J. P. Talbot, Ted Baird    
Shermans Here Since the Run, Maxine Johnson    
The Wolves Did Howl, Ren Saxton    
The Rough and Ready Days of Stillwater by August Koeller, J. C. Lytton    
Story of the Lyttons, J. C. Lytton    

1983 Volume 4 Issue 2
Horsethief Canyon: Landmark on the Cimarron River, LeRoy H. Fischer & Thomas D. Isern
My First Trip to Horsethief Canyon: Easter Sunday, 1907, Ward Hays    
My Second Trip to Horsethief Canyon (1912), Ward Hays    
Grandfather's Tales (1906-10), Ralph Pearson    

1984 Volume 4 Issue 3
Reminiscences: Class of 1924, L. D. (Bill) Melton    
Payne County Newspapers: Edmon Low Library        
Grandfather's Tales (1910), Ralph Pearson    
A Glimpse of the Past: The Rebuilding of Morrill Hall        
Stillwater's Grand Opera House, Doris Dellinger    
Ralph Pearson        
Grandfather's Tales (1893), Ralph Pearson    

1984 Volume 5 Issue 1
Captain David L. Payne, Chronicles of Oklahoma
Boomers Come to Stillwater, Berlin B. Chapman    

1984 Volume 5 Issue 2
A Thousand Troops Threaten Stillwater, Berlin B. Chapman    
One Pioneer Family: William L. & Cynthia Couch, Eugene Couch    

1984 Volume 5 Issue 3
Story of Boomers in Stillwater, Speech at Oklahoma Convention, February 3, 1885, William L. Couch
Official Military Record: Boomer Settlement in Stillwater        
Boomer Richard Courtright, Elaine Courtright    
Boomer Ira N. Terrill, Dr. Berlin B. Chapman    
Lieutenant Matthias Walter Day, Dr. Berlin B. Chapman    

1985 Volume 5 Issue 4
William L. Couch at Stillwater, Edna M. Couch

1985 Volume 6 Issue 1
Downtown Commercial Buildings of Small Rural Towns in Payne County, 1889-1915, Mark C. Miller
Whatever Happened to Downtown Ripley: Letter to Alvan Mitchell, Martha Norton    
Early Day Automobiles in Stillwater, L. D. "Bill" Melton    

1985 Volume 6 Issue 2
Origin of Yost Lake: U. C. Guss of Guthrie, Father of Popular Resort, Orange & Black, September 4, 1915    
Memories of Yost Lake, Frances Jenkins Escue    
Yost Lake: Personal Recollections, L. D. "Bill" Melton    
Horrible Marine Disaster on Lake Yost, Newspaper Article

1986 Volume 6 Issue 3
That Great Class of 1903, R. Morton House
1986 Volume 6 Issue 4
Conflict of Power, Amy Whitehead
President Eisenhower's Handling of McCarthyism, Lynn Hollida
The Yalta Agreement, Ward Louise Burrow Loving

1987 Volume 7 Issue 1, 2
Preface to 1943 History Class “Memories of Oklahoma”
Reminiscences of an '89er, John Barnes of Stillwater, Janice Jessee
Reminiscences of an '89er, George Davis of Stillwater, Tena Franklin
Pioneering in Oklahoma in '89, George C. Cleveland of Stillwater, Charlotte Whitford
Mrs. Andrews, an '89er, Mrs. Harry Eben of Stillwater, Dan Brannin
Interview of Mrs. Catalina Prater of Oklahoma City, Elizabeth Stewart
Early Oklahoma, Mr. G. W. Bruce of Guthrie, Margaret Learn
Memories of Mrs. Mary Hand McGeorge of Stillwater, Jerome M. Muhlberg

1987 Volume 7 Issue 3,4
First Days of Stillwater as Told by an '89er, John Whittemore
Story of an '89er, Mrs. Harry Bullen, Mary Bickel
A Story of the '89ers as Told by Mrs. Alice Pound, Eugene Wedin
How the '89er Lived as Told by Mary Ann Tourtellotte, Betty Tourtellotte
A Pioneer Woman, Miss Ellen Donahoe of Tulsa, Margie G. Tallman
Reminiscence of an '89er, Mr. George Yeokum Louise Burrow
Opening of Cherokee Outlet, Mary McKee Lawson
"Notorious" Oklahoma as Told by Mr. Charles Preston Beck, Anna Mae Lund
The Settlement of Oklahoma City as Told by A. C. Scott, Jean Horton
Settlers in Oklahoma, Lida M. Russell
Sand Springs, Oklahoma, One Man's Vision, Grace Gow
My Knowledge of the Great Salt Plains, Edna Mae Baker

1987 Volume 9 Issue 1, 2
Recollections of an '89er, Mrs. Sallie B. Wallace, Stephen Ray
An Indian's Impression of the Coming of the White Man, Mr. Joseph Colbert, Anne Orr
William Tasmain Cloud's Journey to Settlement and Life in Grady County, John William Weaver
Early History of an Oklahoma Town, Watonga, Eugene Mosely
The Early History of Gage, Flora Mae Thomas
A Story of the Eighty-Niners, Martha Swinehart

1988 Volume 8 Issue 3,4
Letter from the Author, Charles Bahos
The Round Mountain Campaign, Charles Bahos

1989 Volume 9 Issue 1,2

The Site of the Battle of Round Mountain, Angie Debo, Chronicles of Oklahoma
Ekvn-hv-lwuce, Site of Oklahoma's First Civil War Battle, Orpha Russell, Chronicles of Oklahoma

1989 Volume 9 Issue 3,4
Colonel Cooper’s Civil War Report on the Battle of Round Mountain, Muriel Wright, Chronicles of Oklahoma
1989 Volume 10 Issue 1,2
The Location of the Battle of Round Mountain, Angie Debo, Chronicles of Oklahoma
Chief Opothleyahola, John Bartlett Meserve, Chronicles of Oklahoma

1992 Volume 11
Miner Curley Hall, Soldier, Leland Ray
A Walk in the Morning, One Man's Story, Col. (ret.) LeRoy Stanley, Patricia S. Webster
The Opportunity to Serve: My Source Memoirs, 1943-1946, John R. Adams, RM1C(T) USNR
Walter E. Price, Roger Price
World War II: Remembering When Our Neighbors Went to War, Peter C. Rollins

1993 Volume 12
More Than Just History: Role Models from WWII, Peter C. Rollins
In the Eye of the Storm with Bob Fite, Leland Ray
Surviving the WWII: The Story of Walter C. Crane, Yoon Sik Kim
D. Judson Milburn: Convoy Duty on the Murmansk Run, John R. Adams
Ted Best's Memoir of WWII: USS LST 353 in the Pacific, Wantae Lim
Woodrow Peery: "Fire Control" in the Pacific Theater, Mary F. Bishop
Teardrops in the Rain: “Mike" Stephanic Remembers, Dan Felsenthal

1993 Volume 13
My Father (Frank Eaton), Elizabeth Eaton Wise
Recollections of Frances Rice Gray as Told to her by her father, L. C. Rice, Francis Rice Gray
Young Jack McGinty's Trip through the West, Carla & Dale Chlouber
My Mother's Story (Gay Ione Albright), Jamie Alyce Dunn
A Story Typical of Pioneer Life in Oklahoma Territory as told to John H. Melton, Perry A. Smith

1994 Volume 14
Pleasant Valley Memories, Ed Glover
Genesis, Harold W. Straughn

1994 Volume 15
America at War, Harold Straughn
My Pleasant Valley Adventure, Ed Glover

1995 Volume 16
The Very Last Run, David L. Payne
David L. Payne and the Boomers “The Story of Oklahoma,” Muriel H. Wright
Yale Armory, Twylla I. Berger

1995 Volume 17
History of Yale Public Library, 1916-1994, Twylla Berger
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, A Parish History, Mary Ellen Cooper

1996 Volume 18
History of the First Church of Christian Scientist

1996 Volume 19
Brown v. the Board of Education and District 16, Stillwater (Interview with Bill Simank), Susie Kessler
Payne County During the Great Depression, 1932-1936 (Interview with Frances J. Escue), Eric F. Griffitts

1997 Volume 20
Fireside Chat of The Lytton Building, Frances Escue
The Story of Mathias Hoyt as Told by Marville Washinka
Milton Fitz Randolph and Myrtle Nina Stewart, Sally Randolph Banks

1998 Volume 21
Robert A. Lowry Camp No. 24, The United Spanish War Veterans, Mary Jane Warde
Getting Acquainted with Some of Colonel Roosevelt's Rough Riders, O. W. (Jack) McGinty
Memories of Oklahoma: From the A&M College Magazine, May 1943
“Essays of the OAMC History Class of 1942-1943”
Members of B. B. Chapman's 1942-43 Oklahoma History Class
Reminiscences of an '89er (John H. Barnes), Janice Jessee
A Story of the Eighty-Niners Martha Swinehart
Pioneering in Oklahoma in '89 (George C. Cleveland), Charlotte Whitford
Memories of the Old Settler' Reunion at Camp Frame, Elnora Stanley Flaherty

1998 Volume 21
A Fitting Image: Frank “Pistol Pete" Eaton,” Janet Varnum, OSU Magazine

Story of an '89er, Mary Bickel
An Indian's Impression of the Coming of the White Man into Oklahoma, Anne Orr
Recollections of an '89er, Stephen Ray
Mrs. Andrews, an '89er, Dan Brannin

1999 Volume 22
Stillwater Stories: The T. J. Hoyt Family, Eugene M. Hoyt
The Old Settlers of Perkins, Perkins Old Settlers
Merl and Me, Neal Pock

1999 Volume 23
Christmas Cards from Willard Gordon, Neal Pock
Yost Lake, Phyllis Luebke
The Railroad Comes to Town . . . and Stays, Leon Wook
Otto Gray and his Oklahoma Cowboys: The Country’s First Commercial Western Band, Carla Chlouber

2000 Volume 23
The Peculiar Tale of Sgt. Webber, Jim Showalter
The Story of Mehan, Jean Mehan Zetterberg
How We Remember: An Oral History Project by Students at Perkins-Tryon High School, Carla Chlouber
George Washington Grayson and the Creek Nation, 1843-1920, by Mary Jane Warde, A Review by Alvena Bieri

2001 Volume 24
The Jewish Community in Stillwater: A Brief History, Perry Gethner
Memoirs of a Student Taxi Driver, Lawrence H. Erwin, DVM
Ripley, Oklahoma: 100 Years on the Banks of the Cimarron, Dale and Carla Chlouber

2001 Volume 24, issue 2
An Oklahoman at Pearl Harbor, Billie D. Berger
The Rice-Kerby Cabin: Payne County's Oldest House, Diane Davis White
Stillwater's Unreported 1958 Sit-in, Dale Chlouber
Heather MacAlpine Lloyd, Ann Fuhrman

2002 Volume 25, issue 1
Glenn Shirley, Historian of Law and Order in the Old West, Carla Chlouber
Formation of the Payne County Historical Society (1940)
The Cimarron Valley Railroad Museum

2002 Volume 25, issue 2
Professor Helps Tribe Hear Its Own Voice, Carolyn Gonzales
Where There is Will, There is a Way, Effie Mae Cox Griesel
Payne County Markers, Sam Laffoon

2003 Volume 26, issue 1
Memories of Early Stillwater, Grace Donart Weilmuenster
The Very Modern Home of Haskell and Agnes Pruett, Barbara Dunn
The Story of Rachel Anna Haines and David L. Payne, Carla Chlouber
The Stillwater Airport Museum

2003 Volume 26, issue 2
Stillwater Movie History: An Eyewitness Account, D. Earl Newsom
Remembering Marena, Jeanette Walter Sneed

2004 Volume 27, issue 1
Billee "Babe" Fisher, Carla Chlouber
Leonard Herron Recalls Early A&M Spirit Songs and Characters
James Ronda Talks About Washington Irving

2004 Volume 27, issue 2
Robert A. Lowry, 1859-1920, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Simon W. Swope, 1843-1907, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Frank J. Wikoff, 1867-1950, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Charles Robert Bellatti, 1886-1953, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Henry G. Bennett, 1886-1952, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Jacob (Jake) Katz, 1873-1968, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Arthur B. "Red" Alcott, 1894-1997, Stillwater Hall of Fame
C. E. Donart, 1885-1978, Stillwater Hall of Fame
William A. Swiler, 1852-1944, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Edward C. Burris, 1906-1977, Stillwater Hall of Fame
James Buchanan Murphy, 1856-1924, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Louis Joseph Jardot, 1862-1934, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Wyche Blakely Murphy, Sr., 1862-1967, Stillwater Hall of Fame

2005 Volume 28, issue 1
Harley O. Thomas, 1893-1971, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Orlando Murphy Eyler, 1853-1928, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Lee A. Ward, 1907-1982, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Harry Jones, 1859-1938, Stillwater Hall of Fame
William R. Wright, 1905-1981, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Otto and Florence Gray, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Robert Reed Russell, 1896-1971 Stillwater Hall of Fame
Ruth Strode, 1879-1946, Stillwater Hall of Fame
James E. Berry, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Christine Salmon, 1916-1985, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Dr. Roxie A. Weber, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Thomas Hoyt, 1865-1947, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Edward Clark Gallagher, 1887-1940, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Seth Hays Hamilton, Stillwater Hall of Fame
Angie Debo, 1890-1988, Stillwater Hall of Fame

2005 Volume 28, issue 2
John Lloyd Jones: Memories of College Life at Oklahoma A&M, John Lloyd Jones
Saving the Past Through Oral History, Barbara Dunn
Vignettes of Early-Day Marena, Ed Darby

2006 Volume 29, issue 1
Remembering the WPA: A Personal Note, Walter E. Price
The Works Progress Administration and the City of Stillwater, Justin Lenhart
Other WPA Buildings in Payne County, Lawrence Gibbs
The Civilian Conservation Corps, Ted Best
Lake Carl Blackwell

2006 Volume 29, issue 2
The Final Report of WPA Work in Payne County
A. H. Burris: Pioneering Educator, Gladeen Burris Allred
Keep Goin' Lad, Gladys Toler Burris
Charles Albert Minnick, 1859-1945, Twylla Berger
Helen Romann Writes at Yeoman School (1944)

2007 Volume 30, issue 1
Emily Hubbard's Bread Secrets, Edna Eaton Wilson
The Battle of Round Mountain, Carla Chlouber
A Brief History of the Payne County Historical Society, Adelia Hanson
The Terrible Woods: Henry Ellsworth and the Cross Timbers, Carla Chlouber

2007 Volume 30, issue 2 – 2008 Volume 31, issue 1
William David Nugent, William Morgan
James Lanford Mathews, Stillwater Historical Hall of Fame, Adelia Hanson
William Wiley Abercrombie-Stillwater Historical Hall of Fame Adelia Hanson

2008 Volume 31, issue 2
First Methodist Church: The War Years, Will Paine
Browned New Potatoes, Edna Eaton Wilson
New Books About Billy McGinty & Otto Gray, Carla Chlouber
Setting Up Shop in Marena, Ward Hays

2010 Volume 32
Notes of the Town of Ingalls: The Pickering Journal, Jacob Pickering
A New Suit of Clothes (Walter Oscar Persing, Boise Cleveland Briggs), Twylla Berger

2011 Volume 33
Payne County Historical Society Hall of Fame
Early History of Town and Gown, Frank K. “Kim” Berry
Robert A. Lowry’s Early-Day Story Tells of Indian Ghosts in Area, Stillwater News-Press, July 22, 1988

2012 Volume 34
Angie Debo: Dedication Remarks, Glenna Matthews
Angie Debo: Dedication Speech, Robert Henry
Indians in Payne County, Mary Jane Warde

2012 Volume 34, issue 2
The Building at 812 S. Hester, Stillwater, Frank Berry
Three Stillwater Restaurants Frank K. Berry
How did the Wicklow Properties get their Name, Frank Berry
Rare Pictures of Frank Eaton, Frank Berry
History of Payne County Historical Society Dr. B. B. Chapman

2013 Volume 35, issue 1
Cemeteries of Payne County, Mahlon Erickson
White Cloud Lodge, Mary Jane Warde

2013 Volume 35, issue 2
Bruce Guthrie Lectures on Chet Baker, Internationally Known Jazz Trumpeter from Yale, Frank Berry
89ers Twenty-First Anniversary Poem by A. D. Marble, Oklahoma City, 1885 Boomer
Thomas J. Hoyt Remembers
Former Names of Old Central, Dr. LeRoy H. Fischer

2014 Volume 36, issue 1
Payne County: A Short Overall History, D. Earl Newson
Oklahoma Rough Rider: Billy McGinty's Own Story (Edited by Jim Fulbright & Albert Stehno), Reviewed by Mary Jane Warde
John Fogarty: Legendary Train Conductor, Bill Burchardt
A Class on the History of Payne County, David Sasser
Rooted in Payne County, Judy Ringwall
Gage Western Wear, 1950-1995, 115 W. 7th Avenue, Stillwater, John C. Gage
A Brief History of the Payne County Historical Society, Adelia Hanson
I Remember Payne County, Early Bee Guthrey, Newspaper Man

2014 Volume 36, issue 2
Doolin was Bushwhacked in 1896 in Lawson, not Lawton, Frank K. Berry
The Story of Stillwater’s Short-Lived Kaiser- Frazer Automobile Dealership
My Great-Grandfather William E. Berry and Grandfather James E. Berry and How They Came to Payne County, Frank K. “Kim” Berry

2015 Volume 37, issue 2
Carla Chlouber, 1939-2011
A Dance in Ingalls, Carla Chlouber
After the Doolin Ambush: The Rest of the Story Frank Berry
Stillwater Gazette, 1915
12 March 1891 Report to the Stillwater School Board by President of the School Board Rev. Simon Peters Myers
Conclusion to the 1948 Book: The Founding of Stillwater, Dr. B. B. Chapman

2015 Volume 37 issue 1
Stillwater Historic Brick Collecting with David Lambert, Frank Berry
Stillwater Pressed Brick Co.
What Time is Best for a Writer to Sit Down and Write, Frank Berry
Amon W. Swope: Early Mayor of Stillwater, OT. Kelsey Jackson Willians
Stillwater History Trivia Frank Berry
William L. Couch: A Short History Frank Berry
William Couch, Chief Boomer, Gets Shot to Death During an OKC Running Gun Battle, 1890, Frank Berry
Remarks on his Great-Grandfather, William L. Couch, John Couch
Stillwater Street Names, Frank K. Berry
Serving Meals to the Doolin Gang or A Story of Pioneer Life in Oklahoma Territory as told to John H. Melton, Perry A. Smith
Moving by Covered Wagon to Payne County in 1894 Theodosia B. Zuck

2016 Volume 38
Killer Stuff and Tons of Money by Maureen Stanton, Reviewed by Frank Berry
20th Anniversary of the 100th Anniversary of the Death of Bill Doolin, Frank Berry
Herman Eisele: Stillwater Jeweler from 1940s to Early 1960s
Stillwater Road Nights: A Motorcycle Club in the Early 60s
John Leonard: Stillwater Master Jeweler
How We Came To Live in Oklahoma Territory, Fannie L. Eisele
Remembering the Malt Shop, 112 W. 8th Ave., Frank Berry
Jack Katz: Legendary Early Stillwater Business Merchant, The Early Years, Frank Berry
Dale Lytton: Early Stillwater Businessman and Civic Leader, Frank Berry
The Swinging Bridge at Couch Park, Frank Berry

2017 Volume 39
Stillwater (Early Day History), D. Earl Newsom
Dr. D. Earl Newsom (Biography)
Frank M. Wheeler, Stillwater's First Millionaire, Frank Berry
Adelia Nell Hanson: A Tribute
Frank Kimball Berry: A Tribute
OAMC Alumnus Medal of Honor Recipient, George Price Hays

2017 Volume 39, issue 2
Index of Articles from Past Payne County Historical Reviews (1980-2017)
A Glimpse of the Past: 1954 Stillwater Christmas Parade

2017 Volume 39, issue 3
Pictorial Update of A Heritage of Early Stillwater Housesch Day

2018 Volume 40, issue 1
Ray Pence, That Fighting, Driving Spirit, Mary Jane Warde
Campus Fire Station, National Registry of Historic Places

2018 Volume 40, issue 2
High Prairie School: History and Memories, Barbara Wells
Ninabelle Hurst Nichols, Barbara Wells
School Records: Payne County Clerk Office

2018 Volume 40, issue 3
History of Ripley, Veneta Berry Arrington
1920s Map of Ripley, Alvan Mitchell
PCHS and Little Tom and Fats
Christmas at Ripley, Alvan Mitchell

2019 Volume 41, issue 1
Eden Chapel Barbara Wells

2019 Vol 41 – Issue 2
David Sasser, Printing Oklahoma Stories
David Sasser, History of The Perkins Journal
David Sasser, Early Day Payne County Newspaper Men
Payne County Newspaper Archives
Pre-Statehood Stillwater Ledger

2019 Vol 41 – Issue 3
Personal Snapshots of Cushing, Cushing High School History Class

2020 Vol 42 – Issue 1
Personal Snapshots of Cushing (continued), Cushing High School History Class

2020 Vol 42 – Issue 2
Jim Wells: The KSPI Years, 1947-1969, Barbara Wells
The Wells Brothers, Barbara Wells

2020 Vol 42 – Issue 3
1987 Loan Application – Clear Creek Township
Early Day Resident John Green
Perkins Public Library, Allison Boyd
Stillwater Public Library Special Collections, Kitty Pittman
That Hellish 1918 Flu, Ward Hays

2021 Vol 43– Issue 1
First Forty Years, 1940-1980, Payne County Historical Society, Bill Bryans
Stillwater 1941-42, Kelsey Lockett
Al Guthrie Advertises Red River Movie

2021 Vol 43 – Issue 2
Living in Stillwater, 1925-1926, Jim Menzer
Last Forty Years, 1981-2020 Payne County Historical Society, Bill Bryans

2021 Vol 43 – Issue 3
Century of Homecomings, David Peters
History Of Glencoe, Amelia Chamberlain

2022 Vol 44 - Issue 1
Raising Washington – Story of Booker T. Washington School, Laura Arata
Earl and Bernice Mitchell, Amelia Chamberlain

2022 Vol 44 – Issue 2
Payne County Courthouse in the 1940s – A Great Playground, Bonita Warren
Rainmaking Tales: A Bit of Payne County Meteorology, Emmett J. Pybus
Something Old, Something New: 100 Years of Wedding Dresses, Amelia Chamberlain

2022 Vol 44 – Issue 3
Military Hall of Fame, Vice Admiral Sean Averell Pybus, Captain David Arthur Peters
History of the Military at OAMC and OSU, Sally Miller-Downing
Cimarron Chapter – Quilts of Valor
The Forgotten Home-Grown Songs of Oklahoma, Dale Ingram

2023 Vol 45
Cimarron Rose
Eyewitness Account of the Ingalls Gunfight